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Religious Name : |
Sister Mary Aniceta of the Sacred Heart |
Maiden Name : | Benita Celestina Rodrigues | |
Religious No : | 1338 | |
Native Place : | Bellore | |
Parish : | St. Michael's Church, Bellore | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 14.02.1938 | |
Date of First Profession : | 14.01.1965 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 23.05.1970 | |
RIP : | 20-10-2023 |
Sr. Aniceta of the Sacred heart
Institute No.1338
The king will say to those at the right hand, “ Come O Blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Math 25: 34- 36
These words from the scripture are apt for a person like Sr Aniceta; indeed it was true in her life. Sr. Aniceta was kind, thoughtful and compassionate towards the poor and the neglected . Sr. Aniceta of the Sacred Heart, nee Benedicta Celestine Rodrigues, was born on 14th February 1938 at St Michael’s Church to Mr Santhan Rodrigues and Mrs Mornel Pereira. They were 11 children - six girls and 5 boys. She was the fifth. She lost her father when she was still young and her mother shouldered the responsibility of bringing up all the children. Sr. Aniceta studied from class I to VII in St Michael ‘s School Bellore and III to VI Form in Little Flower Girl’s High School in Kinnigoly under the Bethany Sisters. She did her Teachers Training at Rosa Mystica Kinnikambla, Gurpur. Soon after Teacher’s Training she taught in Our Lady of Victoria School, Somwarpet for one year, then in St Michael’s School Bellore for four years.
Sr Aniceta heard the Lord’s call and she responded by joining the Apostolic Carmel on 24th May 1962. She made her First Profession on 14th January 1965. Her final profession was on 23rd May 1970 at Presentation Convent Maryhill , Mangalore. She cherished Religious life all through.
She rendered dedicated service mostly as Headmistress in St Joseph’s Kundapura , Carmel Gangoli, Carmel, Haliyal, Stella Maris , Kotekar, St Agnes Bendore, St Joseph’s Mysore, Shanti Nilyala Nangangud, Ashaniketan Mangalore , St Maria Goretti, Kemmannu
She had a good rapport with the Educational Department and so was successful in getting all the permissions needed for the school including getting the teachers post approved .To come up with a High School in Haliyal the credit goes to our dear Sr. Aniceta’s insistence. Although the Bishop was not keen on having a High School she literally ‘fought’ with him and when he finally agreed with the condition that she gets a good H.M. for the High School. Sr.Aniceta went all the way to Mangalore to meet the then Provincial Superior – Sr. Veronica who was her batch mate she persuaded her to give a good H.M. and once she was assured she went back and gave up 2 of the Hr. Pry class rooms for the office room and Std. VII to start with and the 1st std children with 120 children had to occupy the long verandah where Sr. Premalata that took up her class. She even kept ready the furniture for the VIII. Such was her zeal and love for the poor. Sr. Aniceta trusted her staff members and they lived up to that trust. At the same time many misunderstood her . But she faced it all in strides.
From 2001 she was in charge of the Preparatory School and K.G. till 2012.
After long years of active effective service she was transferred from St.Maria Goretty Convent, Kemmannu to Annunciation Convent, Ladyhill and for 12 years she graced this convent where she totally surrendered her life to the Lord she loved and served all her life till she breathed her last on 20/10/23.
Sr. Aniceta lovingly offered her service in the communities as bursar, sacristan, Community secretary, 1st Councilor, refectorian, diarist and she taught Catechism to those receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony and First Communion. After her retirement she was in charge of the K G School at Mysore. She was a burning candle brightening the lives of her students and staff and a flower giving out its fragrance to the parents by being sensitive to the needs of others. Among the many acts of charity we quote just two. A poor student who approached her was given English Classes and she did well and pursued higher studies. She was instrumental in helping a domestic helper’s son with monetary help to pursue his studies.
She loved and appreciated everyone. God’s unconditional love was her strength; her life was exemplary and inspiring. Sr Aniceta was cheerful, jovial, and witty and related many interesting anecdotes at recreations. She had a listening ear, great concern for the community sisters. She was happy when her relatives visited her and she greeted them with a broad smile. It seemed she loved her brother Monthi the most. He and Mr. Gracian, yet another brother, (father of our Sr. Roopa Rodrigues) visited her often. They were a source of joy to her specially when she was ill. Sr. Roopa Rodrigues A C , her niece visited her often.
On the 1st of Oct 2022 Sr. Aniceta had a fall, when she was going to the chapel for prayer. Later in the night as she was going to the washroom she had another nasty fall. She was admitted to Fr Mullar’s Hospital Kankanady , After three weeks she was brought back home, from then onwards she was confined to her bed. She tried her best to get up but she was not confident enough to walk even with the walker or when we tried to help her out . She suffered immensely as she could not move about, she was helpless and was in a bed of pain.
Sr Shamita, our Provincial Superior and sisters from our convents visited her regularly. Four days prior to her death, when the community was making the charism Retreat directed by Sr. Pearl Ann A.C., she was anointed by Fr.Francis, Cap. She was motionless, her eyes were gazed above just making some feeble sound, nasal feeding started as she found it difficult to swallow food. Gradually she was losing her faculties. On the 20th October, seeing her condition, we the sisters took turns to be at her bed side right from the morning praying and singing hymns as we knew her end was approaching. At about 1.00 pm with Sr. Violet Tauro, the Superior, Srs.Alexena, Sneha, Mary Pereira and the caretakers around her she breathed her last without any warning. Her last moment was indeed a peaceful home going. Dr Alfred certified her death . We informed Sr Nirmalini, our Superior General who was away attending the Synod.
Sr Shamita arrived immediately so also Sr. Roopa Rodrigues A C her niece. Sister Aniceta’s brothers too arrived soon after. The mortal remains were shifted to Fr Muller’s mortuary. On the 22nd the mortal remains was brought back at 1.00 pm. The community received her and she was laid out in the chapel. The Parish Priest, sisters, relatives, A C As , parishioners and friends came to pay their final adieu; many stayed for the funeral mass. The main Celebrant Fr Daniel Veigas OP, the Episcopal Vicar for religious in Mangalore along with 7 priests celebrated the Eucharist.. She was then laid to rest in our convent cemetery.
We thank Sr. Shamita, our Provincial Superior, the provincial team for their support and guidance. We thank our domestic helpers Reena, Divya, Parveen and specially Mary D’Souza for their immense care taken and concern shown to Sr Aniceta. We are grateful to Dr Alfred and his wife Debora for their constant visit to ease her pain, to Dr Rajesh and Flavy , nurses who monitored her health and to Sudesh and Deepika nurses who attended on her frequently .
Dear Sr Aniceta you are safe in the arms of Jesus . We are sure you are a strong intercessor for us. ‘Adieu’ dear sister, till we meet you in the heavenly abode.
A tribute of love and gratitude from the Superior, Sr. Violet Tauro and community of Annunciation Convent , Ladyhill.
Bio – Data
Name in Religion : Sr Mary Aniceta of the Sacred Heart
Institute No : 1338
Date of Birth : 14 /02/1938
Entrance to Postulancy : 24/05/1962
First Profession : 23/05/1970
Date of Decease : 20.10/2023
Date of Burial : 22/10/2023
Place of Burial :Annunciation Convent Cemetery, Ladyhill