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Religious Name : |
Sister Mary Jillian of Jesus Crucified |
Maiden Name : | Juliana Rasquinha | |
Religious No : | 1544 | |
Native Place : | Ferrar | |
Parish : | St. Francis Xavier , Ferrar | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 01.09.1941 | |
Date of First Profession : | 31.05.1969 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 09.05.1974 | |
RIP: | 12-08-2023 |
Sr Mary Jillian of Jesus Crucified
Institute No.1544
“You shall be my witness to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8)
This is true in the life of Sr M. Jillian A.C., She remained a true witness to Christ’s love and suffering. Our dear Sister Jillian left us, the sisters of Stella Maris Convent, for her eternal reward on 12 August 2023, after living her religious life in the Apostolic Carmel and has now joined the angels and the virgins to sing the praises of God Almighty.
Sr Jillian nee Juliana Rasquina saw the light of day on 1 September 1941 in Ferar, Mangaluru. Juliana their third child was baptized on 11 September at St Francis Xavier Church, Ferar, Mangaluru. Her parents Mr John Rasquina, a cloth merchant and Mrs Christina Albuquerque raised their ten children in ardent love for God and a great devotion to Our Lady. She had a happy and a joyful childhood with her brothers and sisters. She kept that bond over the years, praying for them and their needs. Regular visits from her brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and relatives brought her cheer. She completed her schooling at Capitanio school run by the Sisters of Charity. It was here that she was drawn to the religious life and hence took a bold step to enter religious life and entered Postulancy on 17 July 1966, at St Ann’s Convent. She pronounced her first vows on 31 May 1969 and made her Final Profession on 9 May 1974 at Presentation Convent, Maryhill.
After the completion of her teacher training she gave her valuable service as teacher at Lourdes Convent School Bengaluru, Bala Yesu Nilaya Maryhill, Maria Goretti Convent Kemmanu, Stella Maris School Kotekar, St Joseph’s Convent Kundapur, St Agnes Convent Mangaluru and Carmel Convent Pezar. Love of God and deep love for humanity were the hallmarks of her life. Her heart reached out to the needy and the poor students of her class and helped them generously through cash and kind. Her love for the orphans and the destitute children is another distinctive feature. She has rendered forty long years in service of them in the Orphanages and in Kannada Higher Primary Schools. She was an excellent Catechism teacher; for she considered faith formation her priority, thus fulfilling by her life the call of our foundress Venerable Mother Veronica whose desire to found the Apostolic Carmel was primarily faith formation. The students, parents, teachers and parishioners of various Convents where she worked fondly remember her, for she has left an indelible mark in their hearts. She is remembered as a prayerful, loving, humble and gentle sister and teacher, for she influenced their life in numerous ways and brought them closer to Jesus.
After her active life as a teacher, she looked after the convent farm, flower garden and kitchen garden. Her expression of love for the nature was thus fulfilled until her death. She was transferred to Stella Maris Convent in 2011 and for the next twelve years Stella Maris was her home. Until the day she was confined to her bed she served the community as a Sacristan, in-charge of farm and receptionist.
God had bestowed on her, His special share of love through various kinds of sicknesses. She suffered from Breast Cancer and Bronchial Asthma. In the early 2023 Bronchial Asthma incapacitated her gradually. She was admitted at Fr Muller Charitable Hospital Kankanady for three consecutive times. Doctors recommended to put her on Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer machine. At the advice of Dr Don Mascarenhas, she was brought to the Convent on 29 July 2023. Sisters of the community were at her bedside and attended upon her spiritual and other needs, for which Sr Jillian was immensely grateful. Regular visits of the Provincial Superior Sr Shamita and her team, her brothers and sisters, relatives and friends cheered her and brought her great joy. Our Superior Sr Juliana Mary and community sisters tender loving care eased her pain and brought her comfort and solace. Her brothers and sisters were informed about her deteriorating health.
Little did we know that her final summons would be so early. Sister Jillian’s condition worsened on Saturday morning 12 August 2023. She had acute breathlessness and suffered massive cardiac arrest. In the presence of our Superior and the sisters, she slowly and peacefully commended her spirit to her Creator. Fr Rudolf Pinto OCD from Ryshivana administered the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick. The community gathered round the mortal remains of dear Sister Jillian to pray for her departed soul. Dr Anoop Kumar certified her death. Sister Jillian had suffered intensely for the past six months, which became acute for the last fifteen days, but her end was peaceful and calm. The news of sudden passing of our dear sister was given to Our Superior General Sr Nirmalini, Provincial Superior Sr Shamita, her relatives and our Local convents.
The mortal remains of our dear sister were brought to the convent chapel at 1.00 pm on August 13, 2023.The Funeral Mass at 3pm was celebrated by our Parish priest Fr Victor
D Mello, along with eight other priests. Fr Rudolf Pinto OCD, Director of Ryshivana preached a touching homily. A large number of sisters from our convents, her brothers, sisters and relatives, ACA’s, teachers, her students and our parishioners attended the requiem mass and joined her in her final journey on earth. She had a peaceful and beautiful home going at the age of 82. For 54 years she spent her life as a religious in prayer and in serving Him. She has been a witness to Jesus Christ all through her life.
Dear Sister Jillian, we love and cherish the beautiful memories of your dedicated and committed life spent in our community. Adieu dear Sister, Adieu till we meet you in that heavenly abode. Now that you enjoy eternal bliss, do intercede for your family members and the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel.
A tribute of love and gratitude from all of us at Stella Maris Convent, Kotekar, Mangaluru.
Bio Data
Date of Birth : 01.09.1941
Entered Postulancy : 17.07 1966
First Profession : 31.05. 1969
Final Profession : 09.05.1974
Date of decease : 12.08.2023
Date of Burial : 13.08.2023
Place of Burial: Stella Maris Convent, Kotekar, Mangaluru