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Religious Name : |
Sister Maria Goretti of the Immaculate Heart |
Maiden Name : | Benedicta Louisa Morris | |
Religious No : | 870 | |
Native Place : | Beltangady | |
Parish : | Holy Redeemer Church, Beltangady | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 12.06.1930 | |
Date of First Profession : | 30.12.1952 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 29.12.1958 | |
RIP | 12.08.2020 |
My daughter come, your day has dawned
My Son waits to crown your brow
Our dear Sister Maria Goretti left us, the sisters of St. Ann’s Convent, for her eternal reward on 12th August 2020, after living her religious life for sixty eight years in the Apostolic Carmel up to ninety years of her life here on earth and has joined the angels and the virgins to sing the praises of God Almighty.
Sister Maria Goretti nee Benedicta Louisa Moris, saw the light of the day on 6th June 1930 at Belthangady. Benny, their fifth child was baptized in the Holy Redeemer Church, Belthangady. Her father Stanislaus Moris and mother Juliana D’ Souza raised their ten children in ardent love for God and a great devotion to Our Lady. The vocations to the religious life that flowered in the Moris family are a reward for that. Out of their ten children two brothers, late Fr. Joe Shenoy, a diocesan priest and Fr. Michael Moris Shenoy OCD joined the priesthood. Four of their daughters namely late Sisters Muriel, Dorinda, Teresa Shenoy and Sister Maria Goretti dedicated their life to God and his people in the Apostolic Carmel. She had a happy and a joyful childhood with her brothers and sisters. She kept that bond over the years, praying for them and their needs. Regular visits from her brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews and relatives brought her cheer.
Her early schooling was done at Ladyhill Victoria Girl’s High School, Mangaluru, after which she studied an Embroidery and Needle work course at St. Ann’s High School, Mangaluru. It was here that she was drawn to the religious life and hence took a bold step to enter religious life after the example of her sisters who were already in the Apostolic Carmel. She entered Postulancy on 25th May, 1950, at St. Ann’s Convent, which also became her last community from where she winged her flight to God. She pronounced her vows on 30th December 1952 at Presentation Convent, Maryhill and made her Final Profession on 29th December 1958.
After the completion of her Teacher Training course, she was appointed as a craft teacher at St. Cecily’s School, Udupi, she also worked in St. Philomena’s School, Kemmannu, St. Ann’s School and St. Agnes School. She served as a seamstress in Presentation Convent, Maryhill. She was known as a devoted infirmarian since she had a great charism to look after the sick. Apart from this she rendered her valuable service as a sacristan, a librarian and a Vocation Promoter. She was a zealous vocation promoter who not only brought many vocations to the Apostolic Carmel but also attended vocation camps till last year.
Sister Maria Goretti spent eighteen years in St. Cecily’s Convent, Udupi. The students, parents, teachers and parishioners of Udupi fondly remember her even now, for she has left an indelible mark in their hearts. She is remembered as a prayerful, loving, humble and gentle sister and teacher, for she influenced their life in numerous ways and brought them closer to Jesus. She was an excellent Catechism teacher; for she considered faith formation as her priority, thus fulfilling by her life the call of our foundress Venerable Mother Veronica whose desire to found the Apostolic Carmel was primarily faith formation. This she continued even after her retirement, until her health permitted her to take up Catechism until the age of eighty five. Such was her zeal to teach Catechism. She was seen taking daily visits to the chapel at St. Ann’s for the tiny tots of the Preparatory School, teaching them to pray, to sing devotional hymns and narrating stories from the Gospel. It was such an adorable sight to behold Sister Maria Goretti teaching little children to love Jesus and our Lady. There was such a charm in her to whom the little ones were drawn, not only the Catholic students but the students of other religions too. She was also regular in taking classes for the candidates.
From 1997 to date, St. Ann’s was her home. Until the day she was confined to her bed she served the community as an infirmarian and seamstress. Besides she was a great prayer force. She was often seen in the chapel spending long hours in prayer, meeting the beggars and others who came to ask for charity. Coming to the chapel to meet the Eucharistic Lord at the early hours of the day, without minding her health was an inspiration. Celebrating her 90th birthday on June 12th 2020 brought her greatest joy. It was after this celebration that her health started deteriorating and she was finally confined to her bed. Even though she wanted to participate in all the community activities, her health did not permit it.
Sister Maria Goretti suffered from Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Ischemic Heart Disease which incapacitated her gradually. Our Superior Sister Marie Lucy did all that she could to improve her condition. Two domestic helpers Mrs. Lucy and Ms. Savitha were always at her bedside taking care of her. Sister Glani D’ Souza, a trained nurse and Sister Maria Sarika took care of her lovingly, attending to all her needs. Sisters of the community took turns to pray with her daily.
Sister Maria Goretti’s condition was worsening day after day and she requested for the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick, which was administered by Fr. J. B. Crasta, the former rector of Rosario Cathedral. Her brothers and sister were informed about her deteriorating health. The frequent visits of her brother Mr. Norbert Shenoy, sister-in-law Mrs. Clotilde Shenoy and her sister Mrs. Mary Grace brought her great joy and comfort.
Little did we know that her final summons would be so early. On 12th August her sister Mrs. Mary Grace visited her in the morning. She responded rather well. At 3.25 pm the Superior Sister Marie Lucy visited her and noticed something unusual and alarmed the sisters of the community. She had had a sudden cardiac arrest. In the presence of our Superior and the sisters, she slowly and peacefully commended her spirit to her Creator. Dr. Roshan certified her death. Sister Maria Goretti had suffered intensely for the past two months, which became acute for the last fifteen days, but her end was peaceful and calm.
Sister Nirmalini, our Superior General, Sister Maria Shamita, our Provincial Superior who was on Visitation at Ladyhill and her family members were informed immediately about her demise. The community gathered round the mortal remains of dear Sister Maria Goretti to pray for her departed soul. Dr. Roshan certified her death. Our Vicar Fr. Alfred Pinto and Fr. Vinod Lobo came immediately and prayed over her remains before they were taken to Colaco Hospital. Our words are too limited to express the real person she was to each one of us in the community, province and the congregation and to all those who came in contact with her.
The mortal remains of our dear sister were brought to the convent chapel at 1.30 pm on August 13, 2020. The Bishop of Mangaluru Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha paid a visit and prayed for the departed soul of our dear sister. The Funeral Mass was at 3.30 pm. Fr. Pius James D’ Souza OCD, the Provincial Superior of the Carmelite Fathers was the main celebrant with five other priests concelebrating with him. Fr. Charles Serrao OCD, the Superior of St. Joseph’s Monastery, Carmel Hill represented her priest brother Fr. Michael Moris Shenoy OCD who at present is in Goa and hence was unable to attend the funeral. Her brother Mr. Norbert Shenoy with his wife Mrs. Clotilde Shenoy, her sister Mrs. Mary Grace and her nieces and nephew were present for the requiem Mass. Sisters from local convents, ACAs, staff members and those who knew Sister Maria Goretti joined her in her final journey on earth.
Dear Sister Maria Goretti, we love and cherish the beautiful memories of your dedicated and committed life spent in our community. We will miss your stories on Our Lady and the Holy Souls shared at community recreations. Adieu dear Sister, Adieu till we meet you in that heavenly abode. Now that you enjoy eternal bliss, do intercede for your family members and the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel.
A tribute of love and gratitude from the Sisters of St. Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru.
Name in Religion : Sister Maria Goretti of the Immaculate Heart
Maiden Name : Benedicta Louisa Moris
Institute No. : 870
Date of Birth : 12.06.1930
Date of entrance to Postulancy : 24.05.1950
Date of First Profession : 30.12.1952
Date of Final Profession : 29.12.1958
Date of Decease : 12.08.2020
Date of Burial : 13.08.2020
Place of Burial : St. Ann’s Convent Cemetery, Mangaluru