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Religious Name : |
Sister Marie Alice Lobo (Prabhu) |
Maiden Name : | Alice Lobo | |
Religious No : | 1635 | |
Native Place : | Jaacribet, Agrar | |
Parish : | The Most Holy Saviour Agrar | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 23.03.1946 | |
Date of First Profession : | 18.04.1972 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 13.04.1978 | |
Status : | …………….. | |
RIP | 21.05.2020 |
‘God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Cor 9: 7b)
The love of God is so special and overwhelming that it overflows into every human that is born into this world. There was joy in heaven at the right moment of that day 23 March 1946 when the house of Mr Martin Lobo and Mrs Helen D’Souza in Agrar/Bantwal illumined by the arrival of their new born child, their second child and this time a baby girl! The parents too were grateful for the gift of a son and a daughter to them in their married life! From the creation of the earth to the end of time every child that is born into this world comes with the message that God is not tired of humanity. Indeed the Triune God looking at this baby girl saw in her His own image and likeness. Can it be that the Trinity smiled on this child and left a perennial smile that never faded but was given the charm of passing this smile as a contagion to everyone who came in contact with her!
The child was baptized in the Parish Church of Most Holy Saviour Agrar and was given the name Alice, which means of noble rank or noble. Receiving love and nurturing of faith within the home and parish, then through her school education Alice grew in inner spiritual beauty and intelligence. All hail to the noble parents who generously offered their child to the Apostolic Carmel and did not count the cost of sacrifice. From her birth, the Lord set His eyes on Alice Lobo, allured her and brought her into the Garden of Carmel. She joined the Postulancy on 1st January 1970 and then on remained faithful to Him with a radiating smile in joys and sorrows, sickness and health, good times and bad for 50 years and more. Indeed, this noble child Alice was noble both at home and in the Apostolic Carmel.
It was Carmel Convent Ashaniketan, Mangalore that was her first home in the Apostolic Carmel where she lived as a postulant and God willed that she should come to this same home on a transfer on May 31, 2018 to live the last lap of her earthly sojourn. What was remarkable about Sister Marie Alice was her eagerness to meet the Lord at the dawn of each day. She was the first one to enter His Eucharistic presence every morning. One could say “Just as the watchman waits for the dawn …” so did Sister Marie Alice eagerly welcomed the dawn of each day. She was the first one to unlock the chapel door to meet the Lord, to open the windows, often ring the rising bell and spend the first hour of the day in prayer. She was the first one to reach the Church and the last one to come out from the Church. What thanks O Lord shall we render thee for the gifts you showered on the Apostolic Carmel and specially on Carmel Convent, Ashaniketan through our dear Sister where she lived her first year as a Postulant in 1970 and the last year as a religious sister in 2020!
Sister Marie Alice was known for discipline, punctuality, duty consciousness, thoughtfulness, neatness, cleanliness, simplicity, silent endurance, gentleness, cheerfulness; she was particular about English pronunciation, had love for animals and was the PRO of the Community. Her students cherish her memories as an educationist, good administrator, best principal, the one who brought out the best in her students, being jovial, bubbly, friendly, sensitive, one who wielded positive influence on the lives of her students, known for her forbearance, empathy and the one who gave importance to the spiritual life of the students. She had left behind heart prints in their lives and hence many a student enquired about her health during her illness and prayed for her, especially those from Shanthi Nilaya, Nanjangud where she served the people for eleven years.
On account of the lockdown due to COVID-19, St. Ann’s community decided to have the yearly retreat from 18th to 26th April and Sister Marie Alice willingly offered to keep house so that others could join the retreat. However during the days of the retreat she was complaining of dryness in the mouth and breathlessness and hence started carrying a bottle of water with her. As she was not happy with the allopathic medicine, she consulted a homoeopathic doctor on April 24 and took the medicine given which made her feel slightly better. However we found that later there was not much improvement and so an appointment was made with Dr Harold Mascarenhas and was taken to Colaco Hospital on 27th and got her admitted there. Before leaving for the hospital, she complained of Mumps and that very afternoon she developed fever. On account of the fever she had to be shifted to Wenlock Hospital for COVID-19 test and there it was diagnosed that she had Malaria (Vivax) and was treated for the same. On 29th at 11.30 p.m. her report of COVID-19 test was negative and so immediately at midnight was shifted back to Colaco Hospital. As her kidneys were not functioning, on April 30 at 7.30 p.m. she was shifted to Father Muller Hospital for dialysis and was admitted to MICU. As per her reports she was suffering from Sepsis, Polumicrobial, Urinary Tract Infection, and LKTI, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. After the dialysis there was some improvement, though her condition was critical. On May 8 due to some progress she was shifted to the room. Sisters took turns to stay on by day and by night.
But once again her condition deteriorated and she was shifted back to MICU and on 9th evening as she was sinking, she was placed on the ventilator. Since there was some improvement, she was taken off from the ventilator on May 13. Dialysis continued daily. On 14th she was shifted to the room. On account of the COVID restrictions, a lady was appointed to look after her day and night as no one was allowed to visit any patient in the hospital. On May 20th for the first time she sat and spoke to Sister Ellen Marie who serves at Father Muller and we were happy that there was some progress. But sadly on May 21st at 9.15 a.m. there was an emergency call to say that her condition was critical. The Provincial Superior, Sister Maria Shamita and Sister Rose Agnes the Superior, rushed to the hospital only to receive the sad news on the way, that she had already winged her flight to heaven at 9.30 a.m. due to a Cardiac Arrest.
The sad news was immediately conveyed to the Superior General, Sister Susheela, her only brother Mr Joachim Lobo and close relatives, Fr Pius James D’Souza ocd, her cousin’s son and others. The funeral was fixed for May 22nd at 10 a.m. Her mortal remains were placed in the morgue and on 22nd at 7.45 a.m. they were brought to St. Ann’s Convent Chapel. Sisters from local communities, students, staff, ACAs, priests, parishioners and those who knew her came in and paid their last respects. Our Bishop Rt Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha visited, held a prayer service and blessed her remains. At 9.45 a.m. a short Prayer Service was held. On behalf of the family, Rev. Fr Pius James D’Souza ocd, Vicar for Religious and her cousin thanked everyone who assisted Sister Marie Alice, especially during her illness and officiated at the last funeral rites together with his brother Rev Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza. He said that they used to lovingly call her ‘Alli Auntie’ whom they loved dearly. He touched upon her two characteristic qualities, viz her Smiling Face (one who smiles and laughs is a saint), she was a Silent Woman, the silence which is a special characteristic of Carmel. He expressed their gratitude on behalf of the family members to the Provincial Superior Sister Maria Shamita and the Superior Sister Rose Agnes and the community for the care and concern bestowed on Sister Marie Alice to the last day of her life. He also mentioned the name of Dr. Amit D’Souza for explaining her condition to the family members in detail and comforting them with his caring words. Rev Fr J.B. Crasta, our parish priest, Rev Fr. Richard Lasrado, Rev Fr Ravi Santosh Kamath SJ and Fr Pradeep SJ were present for the funeral. Indeed it was sad that many who wanted to come could not make it on account of the lockdown. Her only brother Joachim, sister-in-law Ida, niece Lavina, nephews Denzil and Santosh and the close relatives were present for the funeral.
Sister Marie Alice brought God’s love and joy in the various roles she played in her life’s journey from 1972, as Assistant Headmistress at Shanthi Nilaya, Nanjangud and thereafter as an efficient Headmistress at St. Cecily’s, Udupi, Ladyhill, Carmel School St. Ann’s, once again at Shanthi Nilaya Nanjangud, St Agnes, St Ann’s, back again at Shanthi Nilaya, St. Agnes, Yesu Kripa, Shimoga and finally at St. Maria Goretti, Kemmannu.
After her retirement Sister Marie Alice served the communities in various capacities as the Superior, first councillor, minister, mess minister, secretary to local council, community bursar, in charge of the farm, ACA animator, refectorian etc. As a mess minster she had provided delicious food for the sisters and the sisters cherish the memories of the same. All these responsibilities were done to perfection at Carmel Convent, Modankap, St. Ann’s Convent, Mangaluru, St. Joseph’s Convent, Mysuru, Mary Immaculate Convent, Bengaluru and finally at Carmel Convent, Ashaniketan.
Our sincere thanks to our Superior General, Sister Susheela who kept enquiring after Sister Marie Alice’s health and had supported us with her sisterly concern and prayer, to Sister Maria Shamita our Provincial Superior who rendered the guidance and the assistance needed, to Sister Maria Kripa and the sisters of St Ann’s community for all the arrangements of the funeral ceremony, to Dr. Harold Mascarenhas and the team, to the medical personnel of Colaco Hospital, Wenlock Hospital and Father Muller Charitable Institutions, very specially to Sister Ellen Marie for all her generous service at the hospital. Our thanks to all the sisters for the concern and the support of their prayer during those difficult days specially on account of the lockdown. Grateful thanks to Mr Maxim D’Souza, who willingly came to our rescue, even at midnight with his vehicle to take us to the hospital. We gratefully remember all who helped us in one way or the other. May the Lord reward everyone for the support given, is our prayer.
Adieu dear Sister Marie Alice, till we meet again on that heavenly shore. We will miss you. Do intercede for us with God. A tribute of love and gratitude, from the sisters of Carmel Convent, Ashaniketan.
Name in Religion : Sister Marie Alice Lobo A.C
Institute Number : 1635
Date of Birth : 23-03-1946
Date of admission to Postulancy : 31-05-1970
Date of First Profession : 18-04-1972
Date of Final Profession : 13-04-1978
Date of Decease : 21-05-2020
Date of Burial : 22-05-2020
Place of Burial : St Ann’s Convent Cemetery, Mangaluru