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Religious Name : |
Sister Mary Apoline of the Passion |
Maiden Name : | Apoline Baretto | |
Religious No : | 1482 | |
Native Place : | Bantwal - Amptady | |
Parish : | Infant Jesus Church, Bantwal | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 05.09.1945 | |
Date of First Profession : | 21.05.1968 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 19.05.1973 | |
Status : | …………….. | |
RIP : | 13-12-2019 |
Sister Apoline Baretto of the Passion
Inst No: 1482
“Lord who shall be admitted to your tent and dwell on your Holy Mountain? … and speaks the truth from his heart.” (Ps.15:1, 2)
These words of the Psalmist are an eloquent summing up of the life of our dear Sister Apoline Baretto.
Our dear Sister Apoline Baretto was born in Bantwal, Modankap in a small village called Amtady in the year 1945, on September 5, to Mr Simon Baretto and Mrs Sabina Saldanha. She grew up in this God fearing and loving family with her five brothers and three sisters. She was a wonderful sister to her younger siblings loving, caring and spreading among them the fragrance of eternal values.
At the age of 20, Apoline joined the Apostolic Carmel heeding the call of her Master. She made her First Profession on May 21, 1968 and her Final Profession in 1973 offering herself entirely to the service of the Church.
“Your journey of life is a wealth of experiences
Crossing life’s heights and crevices
Yet you held on tightly to the sacred yoke
And climbed the sturdy contemplation’s oak.
With strength of soul, mind and body
You offered your life to God.
To make other’s life rich and happy
So we offer our greetings to you today.”
These were the words of greetings written for you to congratulate you on the Golden Jubilee of your Profession on May 9, 2018. Little did we dream that we would articulate the same words to you on this occasion of bidding you adieu.
Sister Apoline Baretto was a beautiful flower which bloomed in the garden of the Apostolic Carmel and today, this beautiful flower has reached the garden of the Creator. “The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away and blessed be the name of the Lord.” These words from the Book of Job prove true today, in the life of our community and in the life of all the dear ones of Sister Apoline Baretto. Through the richness of her virtuous and talented life Sister became a precious gift to the Apostolic Carmel, to the Church and to all those she loved. She, being a teacher, besides imparting academics to her pupils, instilled in them life’s values and the love of God and neighbors. Such was her zeal and love for the spreading of God’s Kingdom. Through all her good works Sister has earned the love, regard, admiration, and friendship of a number of her pupils, their parents and many others whom she came in contact with. Even till the end of her life, prayer was her first priority and hence she lived the motto of the Apostolic Carmel “God Alone Suffices” very earnestly. She now shines as a model for us today.
During her lifetime, she served the Lord and his people in various capacities. She served as a teacher, as a Sister in-charge of the Children’s Home, as a clerk, as a Catechism teacher, as a request minister and above all as a lover of the needy people, irrespective of who they are.
Whenever there was any celebration of Birthdays, Feast Days, anniversaries etc, our dear Sister was ever ready to greet the respective sisters with her choice composition of poems. She has enriched so many through her lovely articles, poems, skits, prayers etc. She enriched the community Liturgy through her leadership with her sweet singing of apt hymns on various occasions. Today she must be singing joyfully the hymn of praise to God along with the angels and saints.
Sister Apoline Baretto has served in 14 convents of the Karnataka Province. From the year 2011, St Cecily’s Convent became her sweet home. Here she served in the K.G. Department, as a Headmistress for 5 years. During her term of service here, she became a much loved person by her teachers, the children and their parents. For the past one year she also served as an Animator of our A.C. Associates. She was an active member of the S.C.C gatherings in the ward she was assigned to. She also served as a member of the Editorial Board of “EKVOT” over parish bulletin. In all her services, she never violated but rather gave an eloquent expression to the greatest of all the commandments, i.e. the commandment of Love. Such was her adherence to the person of Christ her Beloved Spouse.
Due to her poor health, Sister had to visit the hospital quite often. Just a month before, as per the advice of the doctor, Sister was admitted to the T.M.A Pai Hospital for treatment. Then after a week, the Hospital discharged her as her health seemed to be improving. Then while in the convent, our Provincial Superior, Sister Maria Shamitha showed her concern towards her health and accompanied her by way of prayer and frequent enquiry. Sisters from our neighboring convents visited her and prayed with her. Her dear ones too visited her to comfort and encourage her. Some of the A.C. Associates kept visiting her. Our dear Sister was a living example to us through her patient endurance and loving surrender to the Lord in times of her intense suffering.
During the last four days she took a bad turn once again. On 13th morning around 3 a.m. she asked for water and drank it. At 4.30 a.m. when Sister Maria Vibha , our Superior had gone to see her and she found her asleep. Then once again when a sister went to see her and called out to her, she did not respond. She had already offered her soul into the hands of her Master. Dr. T.S. Rao was immediately called and he certified the death of our dear Sister.
The funeral took place on 15th Morning at 10.30 a.m. Our dear Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Jerald Isaac Lobo, was the main celebrant for the funeral Mass. Along with him, our vicar Rev Fr. V. Mendonca, our chaplain Fr. William Martis, our confessor Fr. Raviraj Serrao O.F.M. Cap. Fr. Claud O.F.M. Cap, Fr. Royson Fernades, Fr. Fred Mascarenhas, our former vicar and Fr. Gilbert Cardoza of Bombay Archdiocese, were the concelebrants. The Chapel was filled to capacity, with sisters from our convents, A.C. Associates, her beloved family members and all the well wishers.
Dear Sister Apoline Baretto, God blessed you with 74 years of earthly life. During this time, you loved all of us with an unselfish love. You helped us all in every possible way. We remain grateful to you dear Sister for your sisterly love and concern for each one of us. May you now enjoy the reward of the eternal bliss with the saints and the angels. May you enjoy there, the unending singing of praises to the Creator. Do pray for us and all your loved ones.
Unselfish, sacrificial and love filled was your life
Simple life, peacefully spent on earth
We miss your physical presence now with us
We move forward with your exemplary life’s torch lit.
Now living in the abode of the Father singing his praises forever,
May you enjoy the company of the heaven’s citizens
And send from heaven abundant graces.
Pray for us that the vacant place created by your untimely death may be filled with another fervent person of your like.
Adieu dear Sister Apoline till we meet again on heaven’s shore.
Name: Sister Apoline Baretto of the Passion
Date of Birth: 5.9.1945
Date of First Profession: 21.5.1968
Date of Final Profession: 19.5.1973
Date of Decease: 13.12.2019
Date of Burial: 15.12.2019
Place of Burial: St Cecily’s Convent Cemetery