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Religious Name : |
Sister Mary Carla of the Holy Eucharist |
Maiden Name : | Zenoby Edovilda Rebello | |
Religious No : | 1253 | |
Native Place : | Cuncolim - Goa | |
Parish : | Our Lady of Good Health - Cuncolm | |
Diocese : | Goa Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 22.12.1935 | |
Date of First Profession : | 15.08.1961 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 21.05.1967 | |
Status : | …………….. | |
RIP | 28.09.2019 |
Sister Mary Carla of the Holy Eucharist
Inst. No. 1253
“Behold the Bridegroom! Come forth to meet Him”
Sister Carla heard these words at the early dawn on Saturday, September 28, 2019. The Sisters at St. Ann’s were in the Chapel for the Adoration from 5.00 a.m. Sister Carla too was in deep communion with her Beloved who was beckoning her to her eternal home from midnight onwards. Yes! Her lamp was trimmed and burning and robes white and clean. She had been waiting for her Bridegroom and surely He would delay no more. So at 6.00 in the morning she heard the words, ‘Arise my love, my fair one and come away” And Sister Carla’s eyes were truly opened after 27 years of total physical darkness, to the celestial lights where she could behold her Beloved face to face!
Her sister Lily, who was very close to Sister Carla, asked a sister after the funeral about the time of her death. When told that she was gasping for breath after 2 a.m., she said, “I heard sounds of fireworks and a bright light before dawn. It was very unusual.” Could it be a coincidence or telepathy? Maybe she experienced her beloved sister’s entrance into heaven!
Sister Mary Carla nee Zenoby Edovilda Rebello saw the light of the day on 22.12. 1935, in Goa, Cuncolim – a place made sacred by the blood of the martyrs, known as Cuncolim martyrs. Her parents were Mr. Rosario Xavier Rebello and Mrs Philomena Borges. Zenoby was baptized on 29.12.1935 in the Parish Church of Our Lady of Good Health, Cuncolim. She received her First Holy Communion and was confirmed in the same Church. Zenoby was the third child in the family of six. Her two older sisters have gone home for their eternal reward and a younger brother and two younger sisters live in Goa. Zenoby had a happy family life at Cuncolim with her parents, siblings, relatives, friends and neighbours. She completed her Primer Grau in Portuguese, equivalent to Class VIII. She had imbibed deep faith and love for prayer from her devoted parents.
As she grew in age and wisdom, prayer and love of God became more important in her life and she decided to offer herself in total surrender to Jesus. In early 1959 Mother Xavier accompanied her and another young girl to St. Ann’s Convent from Goa. She joined the Postulancy on April 15, 1959 at the Presentation Convent, Maryhill. She pronounced her First Vows on August 15, 1961, the Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption. This must have been a source of great joy to her as she was very devoted to Mary and the Rosary was her forte, all through her life.
After her First Profession, she was at Maryhill for one year, engaged in various types of work. Fatima Convent, Margao, Goa was the next convent for four years where she was at the service of all especially the aged and the sick. A year before her Final Vows which she made on May 5, 1967, she was transferred to St. Ann’s Convent and remained there until 1984. During her 17 long years at St. Ann’s Sister Carla carried out all her duties- as an infirmarian, or a cook or a refectorian or in charge of the poultry with much love and dedication. For her, every sister was important and she saw that they got what they needed even at the cost of sacrifice.
Since her health was not too good she was sent to Vijaymari Convent, Maryhill for a year for rest. She was then transferred to Ladyhill where she faithfully carried out her duties as a refectorian and a request minister. However, her health was failing. She underwent a surgery for the removal of the gall bladder stone. She had glaucoma of the eyes and underwent three surgeries of the eyes and finally lost sight in both the eyes.
In 1991 she was back at St. Ann’s Convent on a transfer, where for almost 27 years, her apostolate was one of prayer and suffering. But even in her state of helplessness, she reached out to others. For example, when a sister from another community came to visit her and she found that the sister was suffering from arthritis, she groped her way to the medicine cupboard and gave her some oil to rub.
When she was able, she went on her own for her family visits to Goa. After she became totally blind, sisters accompanied her to Goa so that she could meet her loved ones. Her family members kept contact with her through phone calls and visits, thus giving her great joy. Her nephew and niece-in-law had the joy of attending her Golden Jubilee. As long as she was able, she walked with her special stick. Later the sisters helped her to take her to the Chapel, Refectory and the Community Room. Sister Maria Goretti would assist her at the dining table and wherever she needed. She was taken for a health check up whenever required. Her intake of food was very limited and which decreased year by year.
Sister Carla was a person of prayer. The Rosary which she prayed constantly was her strong weapon in her hands. Sisters visited her regularly and asked her to pray for their intentions. Until the last year she joined community for the Morning Prayer and Mass in the Chapel. However since a few months, when she could not be taken to the Chapel, the sisters took turns to pray with her. It was remarkable that Sister Carla knew the prayers in the Prayer of the Church and could respond. Gradually she became too weak to respond or to teach the decade of the Rosary. But the sisters continued to pray with her.
For the past three months she was totally confined to her bed. Her intake of solids was nil and with great difficulty she was coaxed into taking a liquid diet. She spoke very little – just answers to questions but these answers were sharp and pertinent, full of wit and humour which made everyone happy.
She was looked after very lovingly by the community and the domestic helpers especially Sister Maria Sheila, Sister Glani D’Souza and Ms. Tapasvini. Fr. Lawrence Dilraj, OFM, Cap. the Confessor, visited her every month. She was anointed by Fr. J.B. Crasta, Parish Priest, of the Rosario Cathedral. The two sisters of Sister Carla, Lily and Ida and nephew Velon visited her in the second week of September and spent two days with her. She recognized them but was unable to converse with them.
Since the last two weeks there were signs of further deterioration. Hence Dr. Arun Shenoy from M.V. Shetty Hospital was called in early that week. He found her heart and pressure as well as pulse normal but since the phlegm was suffocating her and preventing her from normal breathing and liquid intake, he advised nasal feeding. The doctor was pleased with the home care given to her and did not feel the need for hospitalization.
The Superior, Sister Maria Kripa showed great concern over every need of Sister Carla. Not only did she visit her several times day and night, she tried also to provide her with every comfort possible. The Provincial Superiors both past and present visited her often and were concerned about her. The whole community and the domestic helpers did everything to help her out. The sisters who came to St Ann’s on various occasions also visited her.
The great day of Sister Carla’s home-going was on Saturday, a day dedicated to our Blessed Mother. When the clock struck two at the early dawn of September 28, Sister Carla started gasping for breath, and gradually her breathing became very slow. At 6 a.m. while the sisters were praying at her bedside, she gently and quietly surrendered her life into the Hands of her Creator. Thus ended her long earthly journey of 84 years!
The funeral Mass was fixed for Sunday, the following day. Fr. J B Crasta, the Parish Rector, was the main celebrant and Fr Trevor D Souza, OFM Cap. concelebrated and preached the homily. Our sisters from all over the Province and also a few sisters from other Provinces, the postulants, candidates, ACAs, staff, students, hostellers, Parish representatives and the two sisters of Sister Carla and her nephew with his wife and child were present for the funeral. We express our deep appreciation and gratitude to each and every one of them.
Dear Sister Carla, thank you for your loving, dedicated and inspiring life. Now that you are freed from your pain and suffering, and share the glory of God, do intercede for all of us that we may live a life worthy of our calling and come to share in His glorious Resurrection. Adieu, dear Sister Carla, till we meet on that heavenly shore!
Eternal rest grant to unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Name in Religion: Sister Mary Carla of the Holy Eucharist
Institute No. 1253
Date of Birth: 22.12. 1935
Date of admission to Postulancy: 15.04.1959
Date of First Profession: 15.08.1961
Date of Final Profession: 21.05.1967
Date of Decease: 28.09.2019
Date of Burial: 29.09.2019
Place of Burial: St. Ann’s Convent Cemetery, Mangaluru.