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Religious Name : |
Sister Noelle Marie of the Sacred Heart |
Maiden Name : | Gratia Daisy Furtado | |
Religious No : | 1535 | |
Native Place : | Barkur | |
Parish : | St. Peter's Church, Barkur | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 31.12.1943 | |
Date of First Profession : | 31.05.1969 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 09.05.1974 | |
RIP: | 02-04-2024 |
Sr. Noelle Marie of the Sacred Heart
Institute No. 1535
“Have you not heard His silent steps, He comes, He comes ever comes …” None of us were aware of the quiet footsteps of the Divine Master who would come to take this loving soul our dear Sr. Noelle Marie so suddenly from among us in the this joyous season of Easter.
Sr. Noelle Marie of the Sacred Heart nee Gratia Daisy Furtado was the only girl child to her parents after five brothers who was loved and cared. Born on the last day of the year 1943 31st December, she was the celebrated daughter of the New Year 1944. Her father Eusebius Furtado and mother Brigitta Lobo of St Peter’s Church Barkur, lovingly brought up their six children in the atmosphere of Christian values.
Born after five brothers she was mischievous, fun loving and enjoyed teasing everyone in her own way bringing joy and laughter at home and later in the Convents where she lived. Sister Noelle Marie was a synonym for love, cheerfulness and naughtiness. She did her initial schooling at Barkur National High School, while her further education at St Agnes College and B.ED at St Ann’s College of Education. Evidently it was through the influence of the A.C. Sisters, the seed of vocation was sown in her. Realizing this her father took her to Bombay to dissuade her regarding her choice but at this juncture the Master was firm to choose this lively soul to bring joy into the lives of many. She willingly responded to His call leaving behind the familiar shores and much protected environment of her family and loved ones and joined the Apostolic Carmel in the year 1966.
She made her first commitment on 31st May 1969 and accepted Carmel Convent, Moodbidri as her first place of mission serving as an Asst. Headmistress in the High School. Her presence there for 13 years (in two terms) stole the hearts of her students, parents and parishioners as well. Being a trained teacher and dedicated religious she rendered her service at St. Mary’s Falnir, St Cecily’s Udupi and St Maria Goretti Kemmannu. She took up the responsibility of Sacred Heart, TTI, Jayanagar Bangaluru for a decade as an Assistant and later as Principal and Warden till her retirement where she moulded the lives of young teachers who would do the noble task of building the nation. She trained them with utmost care to the detail. She took up the similar responsibility at Maria Nilaya Bidar too. Her zeal for mission took her to Kenya for a year which she recalled with much nostalgia later in her life. After returning from Kenya she took up the challenges of the school again as Headmistress at Loyala High School Shimoga for next seven years where she left behind loads of memories of love and care for her students. In the year 2016 she took up the service as an animator for three years at St. Joseph’s Convent, Mysore. She was transferred to Mary Immaculate Convent, Bangalore in 2019. Her last appointment was at St. Agnes Convent in the year 2020.
Teaching the students was the mission and passion that was dear to her heart. Once she taught any student they were hers forever. She kept contact with them all along and would enquire about their well being. Even during her retired life we could see students visiting her from various places she had taught. She would recapture those moments and laugh it out to her heart’s content. She worked relentlessly with zeal and zest to bring up every student entrusted to her care. Her love and devotion to the weak and slow learners can never be forgotten. Her concern for the poor was great. Some of them used to come and meet her with their families and repay their gratitude. The impact of her touch in their lives individually and the kindness shown in times of difficulties was commendable. Many people have experienced her motherly care and concern. They speak well of her selfless service and we could witness the bond she had with them in various ways. Her family doted on her. Her Nephew Martin Furtado in particular strengthened this bond of the family by visiting her and taking her home for vacation. They were very much part of her life and she assisted them with her prayers.
Every corner of St Agnes Community misses her presence today. She was one with the young, the old and the sick. Her jovial ways and witty answers would draw us to her. She used to accompany any sister who wanted to go out on any chore. She was there at the need of the aged to render her little services. Her spirituality was that of a little innocent child, who found her security in belonging completely to the Lord her Heavenly Father. Waking up early morning and being present to the Lord was the hallmark of her spirituality. She spent many quiet hours during the day before the Lord. She kept herself occupied with certain duties in the Convent. She cracked jokes with young sisters, very sympathetic towards the sick, understanding to the elderly and affable to every visitor at the Convent Parlour. She was cordial with the hostellers who passed by the convent premises. She would talk to them about prayer and encouraged love for vocations in their heart.
She would narrate all the fun and frolic she had as a boarder at St Agnes Hostel. Although one could see her being joyful always one cannot deny the silent suffering she has endured in her life, being patient in tribulation and never complaining about the inconvenience of life. She would be present to all our community exercises and actively participate in them. She always wished good for our sisters, domestic helpers and anyone she met. God blessed her with good health and a contented life for 80 years. After the celebration of her 80th birthday we noticed a drastic change in her. She became very quiet and resigned to the world. She often spoke about going home to God, preparing oneself to do so and remain loving towards others. She was found in the chapel most of the time perhaps talking to Jesus and possibly He intimated to her the nearing end. On Easter Sunday she spoke to one of the sisters pointing that, “Our days are over and we must be ready to go to God” to which the sister replied “Yes we shall prepare ourselves and I do not know whom God will call first”.
On 2nd April she was as normal as any other day even till the last minute of her life. In the afternoon around 2 o’clock our superior found her sitting alone in the corridor and so she advised her to go and rest in her room but she replied, “I have only one rest now, to go up” and pointed at God. She further questioned her “Are you ready to go today?” then Sr. Noelle Marie just smiled in compliance. Later in the evening Sr. Maria Roopa requested her to accompany her to visit the sick in the neighbourhood. She willingly accepted to go and went around 5.30 p.m. After the visit when they were about to return at 6 p.m. our superior noticed that she looked pale and was sweating profusely and the body turning cold. Suspecting these strange reactions in her Sr Vinitha our nurse was called for and also dialed for the ambulance. She communicated this emergency to the sisters and brought her to Colaco Hospital. The doctors attended on her at once in the ICU, with diligence and aided her in her condition. Dr. Herald Mascarenhas was called for, who certified that she had a massive heart attack and the chance of survival was slim. Meanwhile the priest from the parish was requested to give her last sacraments. Fr. Denzil Lobo came in immediately to administer the sacrament. Our sisters rushed to the hospital at this unexpected news. Our superior witnessed her final agony and how Sr. Noelle Marie peacefully surrendered her last breath to God at 8.20 p.m. to join the heavenly angels to praise the Risen Lord her Redeemer. Our Provincial Superior Sr. Shamita and Sr. Sudeepa arrived there at this news and assisted us in the further procedures.
The mortal remains of our dear Sr. Noelle Marie were brought to the convent on 4.4.2024 for public viewing at 1 pm. Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore diocese paid a visit and blessed the remains. The chapel was packed to the full with the presence of our AC Sisters, Religious of other communities, her relations, students and well-wishers. After the final rites the mortal remains was taken in a procession and laid at St Agnes convent cemetery.
We thank Fr. Stany B Lobo(cousin) the main celebrant, Fr Daniel Veigas (Episcopal Vicar for Religious of Mangalore) , Fr Jason Furtado (nephew), Fr Denzil Lobo ( Parish clergy), Fr Anush D Cunha SJ who assisted in the Eucharist praying for our dear Sr. Noelle Marie. We remain grateful to the doctors and the staff of Colaco hospital for their immediate service in the last few hours of her life. We render thanks to her family members for their presence and support in her life. We thank our Superior General for her visit and also her team, our Provincial Superior and her team, Sr Maria Reema (Prov. Sup of Northern Prov) for their prayerful presence. We express our thanks to everyone from far and near who made it possible to be there to pray and join her in the last journey of her life on earth.
Our dearest Sr. Noelle Marie, we find your death blow hard to bear, you left so suddenly creating a vacuum in the hearts of the sisters, loved ones and every person connected to you. We mourn to say good bye to you, for, your laughter and footsteps still linger in our memory, yet we pray that God give you eternal rest, reward you abundantly for the love you have shared. Please pray for all of us before the throne of God that we fulfill our mission with unction. Adieu dear Sister.
Name in Religion :Sr Noelle Marie of the Sacred Heart
Institute No :1535
Date of birth: 31.12.1943
Entry into Postulancy : 15.6.1966
Date of First Vows :31.5.1969
Date of Final Vows:09.05.1974
Date of decease : 02.04.2024
Date of burial : 04.04.2024
Place of burial : St Agnes Convent Cemetery, Bendore, Mangalore