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Religious Name : |
Sister Cynthia Pinto |
Maiden Name : | Florence Cynthia Pinto | |
Religious No : | 1489 | |
Native Place : | Vittal | |
Parish : | Our Lady of Dolours, Vittal | |
Diocese : | Mangalore Diocese | |
State : | Karnataka | |
Date of Birth : | 10.11.1946 | |
Date of First Profession : | 21.05.1968 | |
Date of Perpetual Profession : | 19.05.1973 | |
RIP : | 2.11.2021 |
Sr Cynthia Pinto of the Holy Family
Inst No 1489
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing”– 2 Tim 4:7-8. True to these words of St Paul, our dear Sr Cynthia has fought the good fight while she endured excruciating suffering especially when she began her dialysis twice a week four years ago. She ran the race of life with the strength of the Lord and gave meaning to her suffering with unshakable faith. One could witness her cheerful countenance after every dialysis that in fact portrayed the reward she was to receive. Indeed God even marked a significant day to take her to heaven – All Souls Day.
Sr Cynthia Pinto nee Florence Cynthia Pinto saw the light of day on Nov 10, 1946 and was baptized a week later at our Lady of Dolours Church, Vittal, Mangalore. She was the sixth among ten children gifted to her parents: Albert Henry Pinto and Leena Pinto. Coming from a very devout family she often recalled the contribution of her father in her life specially his caring love for the children, their upbringing, discipline and an example in him to lead a simple life though they were blessed with a sound economic background. Perhaps this training was the foundation to Sr Cynthia to embrace the inconveniences and hardships wherever she was sent as a missionary, in particular at Haliyal, and Bidar and through the years of physical ailments and suffering.
She did her schooling in Vittal High School and joined St Ann’s TTI, Mangalore that catered to her attitude of craft and handwork. She joined the Apostolic Carmel Congregation in the year 1965 following the footsteps of her sister Sr Benedicta Flosy Pinto A C; made her first profession on May 21, 1968 and final vows on 19.05.1973 at Maryhill. A decade later she pursued her graduation and completed B.Ed. in 1979. She ventured into the mission of education when her fiat led her to several schools in Mangalore as well as outside Mangalore, namely, Infant Jesus, Balagraha, Marjil, Gangulli, Kundapura, Nanjangud, Mysuru, Many Immaculate and Jayanagar, Bangalore, Haliyal and Bidar. She flamed the spark of education in the young hearts with dedication, sacrifice and above all with deep love in her heart. She responded to the needs of the students in order to inculcate values in them. Her service in the school as a loving teacher and as headmistress gained popularity thus earning her ‘Outstanding Educationist Award’ for her achievement in the field of education on July 7 2003 by the International Institute of Education and Management, Bengaluru. She constantly upgraded herself by attending enriching programs and seminars as well.
Her genuine love for the poor, adaptability and mission oriented spirit is truly commendable. She willingly took up the duties in the community as the choir mistress, accountant, hostel warden, sacristan, diarist, vocation promoter, boarders’ mistress, librarian, local councillor, infirmarian. She involved herself in the parish activities as a catechism teacher, parish council member and youth coordinator.
She headed Carmel High School, Haliyal and after retirement St Antony Kannada High School, Jayanagar. As a teacher and leader she insisted on discipline, neatness, love for prayer, compassion for the poor and simplicity of life. She carried the same childlike spirit wherever she went. Our community recreations were enriched through her Konkani songs and wits. She loved singing and joined the choir till she was confined to her wheelchair. Her neat writing depicted her strong character. The dictum of Mother Marie Des Anges ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’ became a guide for Sr Cynthia. She would not tolerate untidiness neither in her person nor her belongings. Everything had to be in place. Daily bath was a must for her as long as she was in the community before hospitalization. Her jovial spirit, wit and wisdom, enchanting stories would make everyone burst with laughter.
Sr Cynthia was a true daughter of Venerable Mother Veronica of the Passion as she bore the cross of suffering willingly. She underwent cataract surgery in her left eye in the year 1992 and the following year in the right eye. Although she had the history of Diabetes Mellitus and Hyper Tension she never deterred from carrying out her responsibilities. In the year 2016 she was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease at fourth stage, type 2 diabetes mellitus, complaints of nephropathy and sensory neuropathy. Thus, in 2018 she began her painful process of dialysis twice a week, on every Tuesday and Friday. The following year she had spinal fracture of distal shaft of right femur and underwent open reduction and internal fixation. She embraced another cup of suffering as she underwent the spinal cord surgery and was confined to her bed of pain for several months. Sr Cynthia placed her deep faith in the mercy of the Lord and tangibly experienced him every time she went through these painful medical procedures. We could see the extreme pain she tolerated at the time of dialysis offering it to God, and would be as normal eagerly awaiting her favourite masala dosa which she enjoyed thoroughly after every dialysis.
She remembered her pet animals whom she had lovingly nurtured in various convents. Recalling her joyful experiences with her AC sisters, with whom she had lived in various communities, she would remain grateful to God for the gift of vocation and the gift of life given to her. She was spontaneous in expressing her strengths and her determination to improve upon her weaknesses. Her conversations would always end quoting her father’s love and her admiration for him. She was a great inspiration to all of us throughout these four years. Many of her family members especially Sr Benedicta AC and Ida, her youngest sister visited her often to strengthen her spirit.
Sr Cynthia came to St Agnes community from Yesu Prem Niketan in May 2019. Within a few months of her stay she fractured her leg, after which she was shifted to the infirmary and was confined to the wheelchair. Though the broken leg was treated, life became difficult and disability added to her sufferings. However she led a regular life, being punctual to all the community exercises in spite of her schedule at the hospital. Till her recent sickness and hospitalization she was regular for morning and evening prayer and the Eucharist. In the first year she was rather particular about her diet but gradually things changed and she ate and relished almost everything that was served.
Due to dialysis the condition of her body began to take a bad turn. The arteries in both her legs were blocked disabling her even to take a step. Her physician Dr Harold Mascarenhas would always admire her endurance in her crucial suffering and assisted in suggesting every human support that could be rendered to ease her pain. Her remarkable stamina to undergo this sort of pain was exemplary. Thereafter her condition became difficult each passing day. Her intake of food and water was reduced and she became weak. Sr Agatha Mary was a pillar of support to Sr Cynthia in her pain. She was extra vigilant to her needs and accompanied her all these years. Sr Lydia, our superior through her daily visits encouraged her, so also the sisters of the community assisted her through their prayers and visits. Our maid Tapaswini was at her beck and call to cater to her needs. Our receptionist Fatima accompanied her on the days of her dialysis, remained in the hospital throughout the day and reached her home safe in the evening sometimes even late nights. The friendly visits of Sr Nirmalini, our Superior General, and periodic visits of Sr Shamita the Provincial Superior, the councilors, her batch mates and AC sisters brought tremendous joy and radiance on her face.
The month of October witnessed series of medical tests for Sr Cynthia which brought to light severe deficiency of calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium level in her body. After a fortnight she became breathless due to fluid in her lungs and an enlarged heart. She was immediately rushed to MICU at Fr Muller Hospital. She was treated for a week under the guidance of Dr. Harold Mascarenhas. Three days later she was brought back to the community and was aided with nebulizer twice a day. Further she was strengthened through the sacrament of anointing of the Sick in the convent and the following week in the hospital. Unfortunately her condition began to deteriorate on 29th Oct. The nurse, Vidya gave her three bottles of drips under the instruction of the doctor that revived her partially. A new portable phlegm suction machine was purchased to ease chest congestion. All was in vain since God had planned to take her to heaven a week early to celebrate her 75th birthday in the glorious company of Saints and Holy Souls. She took a very bad turn on 30th October. She was quickly shifted to the hospital and admitted to SICU. Doctors attending on her reiterated that her life would end soon. Hence we intensified our prayers to the Crucified Lord and interceded with Venerable Mother Veronica to accompany our dear Sr Cynthia in her last days. One could witness her feeble body yet a strong will to endure her suffering till the end reminding herself, ‘The sufferings of this world are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us’- Rom 8:18. Truly the saints must have pleaded on her behalf to put an end to her anguish and the Lord rewarded her with eternal life on the most memorable day ‘All Souls Day’. With the sudden collapse of her heart, the Angels carried her to the bosom of the Lord at 8.30 in the morning to witness the glory of the Paradise. Undoubtedly we could exclaim - She received her reward through her faith.
We immensely thank Dr Harold Mascarenhas, the General Physician who gave appropriate medication to our sister as also for his concern. We remain grateful to the medical staff of Fr Muller hospital (specially the dialysis unit) and the staff of Colaco Hospital for taking care of her so lovingly. We remain indebted to all our AC sisters who supported our dear Sr Cynthia through their prayers. The long life she enjoyed on earth finally has come to a peaceful end. It was a life lived worthily, dedicated to God.
The mortal remains of our dear Sister shifted to the mortuary were brought to the convent the following morning and the community gathered round her through prayers and hymns. Fr Paul Melwyn D’Souza, OFM (Cap), Episcopal Vicar for Religious, Mangalore Diocese celebrated the Eucharist and delivered the homily thanking God for her beautiful soul. Most of her family members, AC sisters, representatives from various neighbouring religious communities, her pupils joined us in bidding adieu to our dear Sr Cynthia Pinto. Sr. Benedicta Pinto who could not be present due to ill health had spent some days with her last March and recalls the qualities of her sister, “I thank God for giving Sr Cynthia as my sister, a self-giving, prayerful and committed person. She had great love for the poor children and was ready to make any sacrifice in serving them. I pray that she enjoy the beatific vision, which was her one desire”
After the final rites she was laid to rest in the convent cemetery as we invoked the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel singing, ‘When the clouds…brown scapular over my breast’. Dear Sr Cynthia now that you are enjoying the bliss of heaven, intercede for us your sisters to tread the path joyfully which the Lord has marked for us.
Name in Religion: Sr Cynthia Florence Pinto of the Holy Family
Maiden Name: Cynthia Florence Pinto
Institute Number: 1489
Date of Birth: 10.11.1946
Date of Entry into Postulancy: 24.05.1965
Date of First Profession: 21.5.1968
Date of Final Profession: 19.5.1973
Date of Decease: 2.11.2021
Date of Burial: 3.11.2021
Place of Burial: St Agnes Convent Cemetery, Mangalore