Our beloved Foundress Venerable Mother Veronica was ever attentive to the softest whisperings of God. She fulfilled His designs with heroic faith and generosity. The Apostolic Carmel is the Vine she planted with tender love and care. God gave it growth but she, would not see the buds burst forth or the fruit ripen.
We are nearing the 150th year of its birth in India in 1870. While thanking God for the gift of 150 years which saw the slender sapling grow to be a mighty sturdy tree we need to strengthen our roots, prayerfully thank God for keeping alive the charism ‘God Alone Suffices’ gifted to us by our foundress, safeguard and pass it on as our cherished Apostolic Carmel heritage to the future generations.
It is a time to ponder God’s mercy and faithfulness to us. The dream of Mother Veronica ‘A Carmel for the Missions’ is being realized through the selfless service of our sisters through education, medical, social and other Apostolic ministries.
The website gives a few glimpses of our work in various fields. In these fast changing and challenging times, we seek the collaboration of all people of good will for their kind support and cooperation, so that our combined effort gives fresh buds and yields rich ripe fruit, fruit that will last.
We sound the clarion call to you and warmly invite you to be part of our mission of sharing the compassion of Christ.
Come, join hands with us, let us together be the bearers of Good News…
Sr. Maria Shamita A. C.
Provincial Superior