St. Cecilys Prepartory School Gymnasium

St. Cecilys Prepartory School Old Block
St. Cecily’s Preparatory School is run by the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation. Their main thrust is developing the women of India as persons imbibed with deep faith in God and in self by providing a sound value based education.
Though the Primary and High School on the Campus came into existence in the year 1918, the St. Cecily’s Preparatory School saw the light of the day only in the year 1959. To prevent the tiny tots who were not yet of age sitting in Class I, a nursery class was opened on January 16, 1958. The attendance was encouraging. The parents were happy and appreciative of the work of the sisters. Since there was much pressure from the parents on the Management to start a regular Preparatory School, the Nursery School started working from January 1959 as purely a private unrecognized Institution bearing the title ‘St. Cecily’s English Preparatory School’.
Following the directions given by our pioneers in education with ‘excelsior’ as our motto we aim at excellence in the all round development of our tiny tots. But the motto of our school is ‘Let my life be a song of praise’ since St. Cecilia the Patron of our school was a singer of God’s glory.
Our approach of teaching the tiny tots is through the “Play Way Method”, so that learning becomes a joyful experience to them. The school becomes for them a second home and the teacher their second mother. In this atmosphere of love and freedom they grow.
In 1998 under the leadership of Sister Susan the multipurpose hall was built which now has a smart board facility for the children. It was during the tenure of Sister Mercia a new block of K.G was built which included an independent office room. To relax and play, a gymnasium and a sand pit was got done by her. The school has a garden of varied flowers. We have a dedicated teaching and non teaching staff. Sister Alicia took charge of the school in June 2016.
St. Cecily’s Preparatory School, Udupi 0820 – 2524898 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Year of Establishment : 1959 |
St. Cecily’s Preparatory School, Convent Road, Udupi - 576101 |
Status : LKG & UKG |

01. Sr. Florine Pinto A.C 1988-1992

02. Sr. Mercia A.C. 1992-1996

03. Sr. Marie Pauline A.C. 1996-1997

04. Sr. Susan A.C. 1997-2000

05. Sr. Lucella A.C. 2000-2001

06. Sr. Vincenza A.C. 2001-2004

07. Sr. Mercia A.C. 2004-2007

08. Sr. Maria Savitha A.C. 2007-2008

09. Sr. Acquineta A.C. 2008-2011

10. Sr. Apoline Baretto A.C. 2011-2016

11. Sr. M. Alicia A.C. 2016-2019

Sr. M. Roshan A.C. 2019-