Ladyhill Higher Primary School, Ashoknagar, Mangaluru
Ladyhill School traces its origin to the pioneering efforts of the Apostolic Carmel Sisters who landed in Mangalore from Bayonne, France and began their mission of education at St. Ann’s Convent, Mangalore. The reputation of St. Ann’s School and its standing in the eyes of the educational authorities drew attention of the public and slowly the Hindus of Mangalore approached Mother Marie Des Anges to open a school for their girls. With her far-sighted vision, she complied with their request and an Elementary School was opened on March 19, 1885, on the premises adjoining St. Ann’s School and was named St. Ann’s Kanarese School. In 1887, the school moved into its new quarters at Dongerkery. That year happened to be the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria and, hence, the school was renamed, "Victoria Girls' School".
In 1889, it received Government recognition as a Lower Secondary or Middle School. Within a decade the population in that area grew so dense, that sanitary conditions were not conducive to run a school. Hence the school was shifted to the present location, Urwa, in January 1923, the old Victoria Girls' School became the Victoria Ladyhill School, Urwa.
In 1972, the school was bifurcated as Primary School and High School. In 1991-92 the school was raised to a Higher Primary level. A separate Headmistress was appointed. The dedicated and loyal staff members have striven to give their best to the students. The students who have passed out through the portals of this institution carry beautiful memories. They have with the motto of the school ‘Through Effort to Glory’ excelled in every field. With the clamour for English Medium education the number in the school is now on the decrease. However, great effort is done to maintain the standard. Curricular and co curricular activities held in the school, School Days and celebrations are a boost to attract admissions to the school. The school has kept alive its goal and its vitality and is marching towards its Centenary!
Ladyhill Higher Primary School, Mangaluru 0824- 2456523 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Year of Establishment : 1885 Aided |
Ladyhill Higher Primary School Mangaluru – 575 006 |
Status : I - VII |
Affiliated : Karnataka State Board |

01. Sr. M. Marcian A.C. 1992

02. Sr. Stella Mary Dsilva A.C. 1992-1996

03. Sr. M. Marcian A.C. 1996-1999

04. Sr. M. Apolina A.C. 1999-2001

05. Sr. Maria Shuba A.C. 2001-2003

06. Sr. Stella Mary Dsiva A.C. 2003-2005

07. Sr. M. Apolina A.C. 2005-2006

08. Sr. Maria Jyothika A.C. 2006-2010

09. Sr. Celine Vera A.C. 2010-2015

10. Sr. Maria Chetana A.C. 2015-