St. Agnes College, founded by Mother Aloysia, the Second Superior General of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation was started on the present campus at Bendore on 2nd July 1921 as a College for Women under the Madras University. For a couple of years it remained as an Intermediate College and the first batch of B.A. students graduated in 1926. From its very inception the qualitative Higher Education imparted by the College, with well balanced academic, spiritual and social service components was integral and value based. In the process of introducing new and relevant courses of today both curricular and co-curricular, the College has continued to focus on quality, academic excellence and life-oriented inputs covering the formation of character and service to society.
In the year 1997 the College voluntarily submitted its letter of consent to be accredited for quality under National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and was the first college under Mangalore University to be accredited with the conferring of “Five Star” status. The College has maintained the standard of quality and excellence and in the subsequent re-accreditations has secured “A” grade continuously. It has now completed the fourth re-accreditation cycle with A+ Grade with 3.65/4 CGPA in the year 2017. The College received from UGC the award “College with Potential for Excellence” in the year 2006 and during the year 2017 the “College with Excellence” award. The College was conferred Autonomy in the year 2007 with the introduction of Post Graduate programmes of study the same year. The College also has a Research Centre now. Both Academic Research and Service Projects are part of the curriculum. It is a proud event to have been the recipient of International Jimmy and Roselyn Carter Foundation Partnership Award for its path breaking work in the field of watershed management which has greatly benefitted villages in the suburbs of Mangaluru.
All the thousands of students who have been educated under the portals of their Alma Mater have the proud privilege of rising and calling her “Blessed” and saluting her for the education received at her hands and they continue to journey ‘neath her protection and embrace. The College is now heading towards its Centenary.
The Centenary Year will be inaugurated in July 2020 with significant events spread over the entire year, to cover all sections and clientele of Higher Education. The Official Centenary Celebrations will be held on the last seven days of the Centenary Year guided by the Management, the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society, to include programmes for the Staff and Students, Parents, the Public, the Alumni covering spiritual, academic, cultural and historical programmes and events.
St Agnes College, Mangaluru 0824 - 2213794 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.stagnescollege.org |
Year of Establishment : 1921 Aided |
St Agnes College, Mangaluru – 575 002 |
Status : Degree College |
Affiliated : Mangalore University |

01. Miss Violet Leeks 1921-1922

02. Sr. M. Annunciata A.C. 1922-1934

03. Sr. M. Theodosia A.C. 1934-1943

04. Sr. M. Fidelis A.C. 1943-1948

05. Sr. M. Eugenie A.C. 1948-1949

06. Sr. M. Clarissa A.C. 1949-1952

07. Sr. M. Veera A.C. 1952-1955

08. Sr. M. Stella A.C. 1955-1958

09. Sr. M. Theodosia A.C. 1958-1960

10. Sr. M. Carmelita A.C. 1960-1963

11. Sr. M. Scholastica A.C. 1963-1968

12. Sr. M. Noelle A.C. 1968-1973

13. Sr. M. Hedwige A.C. 1973-1977

14. Sr. M. Aloysius A.C. 1977-1991

15. Sr. Dr. M. Olivia A.C. 1991-2001

16. Sr. M. Carmel Rita A.C. 2001-2007

17. Sr. Dr. M. Prem D’Souza A.C. 2007-2014

18. Sr. M. Supriya A.C. 2014-2016

19. Sr. Dr. M. Jeswina A.C. 2016-2020

20. Sr Dr Venissa A.C. 2020-