“Harvest is great, but the labourers are few” – Jesus says to each of us, to go out, search and find labourers to work in His Vineyard.
The Vocation Promoters from our Communities meet at the beginning of each academic year to evaluate the past programme and to plan for the year; they are given orientation and motivation by resource persons. Parishes are allotted to them for visits to meet probable aspirants for religious life and to foster these vocations. They also meet before the Vocation Camps that are held twice a year to plan out the activities for the same. The Province Vocation Promoter takes over-all charge of the activities and also conducting the camps.
Those who express their desire to follow the way of the Apostolic Carmel are brought together for a short programme in the month of April. They are sent to complete their PUC during which they are given help to grow in various aspects of life – spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical.