Veronica Vihar is an areal root of St. Agnes Special School started in 1970 by the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation as the First Opportunity School to give education and care to the Mentally Challenged boys and girls, which was also the centinary memorial of the Apostolic Carmel in India and also golden jubiliee memorial of St. Agnes College. At present there are more than 200 children studying under the school section till they reach 18 years of age. It has developed from an Early Intervention programme to Vocational programme to Production Unit. The present Veronica Vihar is a completion of the scheme, from Early Intervention to care for the adults and elderly.
The Provincial Chapter 2013 decided to undertake this project on a trial basis. It was housed at Vijymarie Convent with three children. Sr. Maria Jyothi was assigned as the sister in charge and Sr. Marie Dulcine assisted her. Slowly the number grew year by year and there was no room to accomodate the demands made. So during the Provincial chapter 2016 it was decided to start a new house. The Provincial Superior Sr. Carmel Rita with her team decided the spot as Balayesu Nilaya School Campus. Veronica Vihar is built for the 30 innmates and a Convent. At present there are 13 adults who are taken care of. There is also provision for day care, when the people need it. At present there are 4 day care adults who come in the morning and go back in the evening. The house was inaugrated by the Provincial Superior Sr. Carmel Rita and blessed by Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus on April 22, 2019.
Contact Details
Veronica Vihar
Konchady Post
Mangalore – 575 008
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1. Sr. Maria Jyothi A.C.
2019 -