Carmel Convent, Haliyal
During 1962-1975 Father S. S Carvalho, the Parish Priest of Milagres Church, Haliyal, had a Marati School with 80 children on roll. There was scope to start a Kannada Medium School at Haliyal. He wanted to hand over the school to the Apostolic Carmel Sisters who were in Alnavar. He inspired Bishop Ignatius Lobo (Bishop of Belgaum) to invite the sisters to start a Kannada Medium School. On 16th September 1969 Father S. S Carvalho requested Sister Silveria, the then Superior of Carmel Convent, Alnavar to send two sisters daily to Haliyal to teach Kannada to the Marati School children in view of starting a Kannada Medium School.
Bishop Ignatius Lobo then took the initiative on 6th October 1969 to request Mother Theodosia the then Superior General of the Apostolic Carmel to start a Convent in Haliyal. Prayer and discernment enabled the sisters to accept the proposal.
On 1st June 1970, Sisters Pia, Mary Machado and Stephanie Mary arrived at Haliyal. Sister Pia was the Superior of the convent, Sister Mary Machado, the Headmistress of the School. Sister Stephanie Mary started tailoring and embroidery classes for the grown up girls.
Sisters taught in the School during the day and in the evenings they taught Catechism to the children of the Government School. They took up singing in the Parish and prepared the people for the liturgy; they taught them to pray Rosary and other daily prayers.
In order to educate the village girls a boarding home was put up at the side of the convent. There were 30 boarders 8 being boys among them. The people of Haliyal were weak in faith and economically and socially backward and illiterate. Most of the people were Siddis.
The Sisters of Carmel Convent, Haliyal went to Mangalwad, Kerwad, Yadoga and Kersrolli to teach Catechism and hymns. Sisters slogged to strengthen the faith of the people of Haliyal without minding the cold, heat, the distance or the inconveniences.Sisters started a dispensary in the parish campus. A qualified sister nurse was taking care of the sick. A Balwady was opened in order to enable the mothers to go for work. Young men and women were taught Catechism and prepared for the Sacrament of Matrimony. In order to empower women, camps and seminars were conducted.
In 1984 the then Bishop of Karwar requested the Sisters to start a High School. Sister Marie Lucy became the first Head Mistress of the Carmel High School.In 1996 the present convent building was put up. In order to empower women "Carmel Mahila Centre" was started. Tailoring embroidery classes went on for 10 years. In 2003 the Diocese started Milagres English Medium School. It is a fully fledged School with our Sisters seeing to its administration. In 2017 a Play Home for the local children was constructed.
At present the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel Still continue to serve the Church of Haliyal. They see to the internal management of the Schools, Sacristy work, teaching of Catechism, visiting of families, needs of the poor, Church Associations and working cordially, hand in hand with the Parish clergy to spread God's message of Peace. They strive to build the Kingdom of God in Haliyal. God be praised and loved!
Contact Details:
Carmel Convent
Opp. Milagres Church
Haliyal P.O.
Haliyal – 581 329
U.K. Karnataka
Ph. No. (08284) 220203
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.Sister M. Pia A.C. 1970-1971 |

2.Sister M. Bethilda A.C. 1971-1972 |

3.Sister M. Laurentia A.C. 1972-1975 |

4.Sister M. Viventia A.C. 1976-1979 |

5.Sister M. Claretta A.C. 1979-1982 |
6.Sister M. Priyanthie A.C. 1952-1985 |

7.Sister M. Carmencita A.C. 1985-1988 |

8.Sister Mary Machado A.C. 1988-1991 |
9.Sister M. Bertine A.C. 1991-1992 |
10.Sister M. Elena A.C. 1992-1995 |
11.Sister M.Premalatha A.C. 1995-1998 |
12.Sister M. Claretta A.C. 1998-2001 |

13.Sister M. Gilda A.C. 2001-2004 |

14.Sister M. Norma A.C. 2004-2007 |
15.Sister Evelyn Marie A.C. 2007-2008 |
16.Sister Maryse A.C. 2008-2011 |
17.Sister Maria Assumpta A.C. 2011-2014 |
18.Sister M. Archana A.C. 2014-2017 |
19.Sister Maria Sheethal A.C. 2017- |